Farnham Town U11 Reds

Farnham Town U11 Reds

Latest Results

All Results

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
Cup 27/04/24 14:15 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Fleet Town Dragons
Cup 20/04/24 10:15 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Fleet Town Dragons
L 13/04/24 08:00 Fleet Town Astros X - X
Farnham Town Reds
L 06/04/24 08:00 Farnham Town Reds P - P
Mytchett Athletic U11 Kites Postponed
Cup 23/03/24 09:00 Curley Park Rangers Chargers X - X
Farnham Town Reds
Cup 16/03/24 08:00 Farnham Town Whites X - X
Farnham Town Reds
L 09/03/24 08:00 Farnham Town Whites P - P
Farnham Town Reds Postponed
L 09/03/24 08:00 Mytchett Athletic U11 Kites X - X
Farnham Town Reds
Cup 02/03/24 20:15 Farnham Town Reds V - V
Mytchett Athletic U11 Kites Void
Cup 24/02/24 08:00 Fleet Town Astros X - X
Farnham Town Reds
L 17/02/24 08:00 Bourne Blades Hawks P - P
Farnham Town Reds Postponed
L 10/02/24 08:00 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Curley Park Rangers Chargers
Cup 03/02/24 08:00 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Hart Youth Hurricanes
Cup 27/01/24 11:00 Hook United Tigers X - X
Farnham Town Reds
L 27/01/24 08:00 Farnham Town Reds P - P
Farnham Town Whites Postponed
L 27/01/24 08:00 Fleet Town Dragons P - P
Farnham Town Reds Postponed
L 06/01/24 08:00 Farnham Town Reds P - P
Petersfield Town Blaze Postponed
Cup 16/12/23 08:00 Alton Youth Storm X - X
Farnham Town Reds
L 09/12/23 08:00 Farnham Town Reds P - P
Bourne Blades Hawks Postponed
L 25/11/23 11:15 Curley Park Rangers Chargers X - X
Farnham Town Reds
Cup 18/11/23 10:30 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Alton Youth Storm
Cup 11/11/23 08:00 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Fleet Town Astros
Cup 04/11/23 08:00 Farnham Town Reds V - V
Hartley Wintney Kites Void
L 21/10/23 09:30 Hook United Tigers X - X
Farnham Town Reds
Cup 14/10/23 08:00 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Farncombe Youth Phoenix
L 07/10/23 08:00 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Fleet Town Astros
L 30/09/23 11:30 Alton Youth Storm X - X
Farnham Town Reds
L 23/09/23 08:00 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Hartley Wintney Kites
L 16/09/23 11:00 Farnham Town Reds X - X
Fleet Town Dragons
L 09/09/23 08:00 Ash United Blues X - X
Farnham Town Reds

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