Norwich United Youth F.C. U10

Norwich United Youth F.C. U10

Latest Results

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Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
10T4 16/03/24 10:00 Surlingham Tornadoes F.C. U10 X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10
10T4 09/03/24 10:00 Madra F.C. U10 Maveriks X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10
10T4 02/03/24 10:00 Norwich United Youth F.C. U10 X - X
Old Catton Juniors F.C. U10 Lions
10T4 24/02/24 10:00 Thorpe St Andrew F.C. U10 Leopards X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10
10T4 17/02/24 10:00 Norwich United Youth F.C. U10 X - X
Cringleford F.C. U10 Storm
10T4 03/02/24 10:00 Norwich United Youth F.C. U10 X - X
Mattishall Youth F.C. U10 MYFC Under 10s
10T4 27/01/24 10:00 International Talent F.C. U10 X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10
10T4 13/01/24 10:00 Norwich United Youth F.C. U10 X - X
Buxton F.C. U10
10ET 09/12/23 10:00 Norwich United Youth F.C. U10 X - X
Hockering F.C. U10 Hawks
10ET 25/11/23 10:00 Madra F.C. U10 Maveriks X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10
10ET 11/11/23 11:00 East Coast Warriors F.C. U10 X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10
10ET 04/11/23 10:00 Attleborough Town F.C. U10 Stripes X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10
10ET 14/10/23 10:00 Surlingham Tornadoes F.C. U10 X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10
10ET 30/09/23 11:00 Norwich United Youth F.C. U10 X - X
Brandon Town Community F.C. U10 Ravens
10ET 23/09/23 10:00 Norwich United Youth F.C. U10 X - X
Mattishall Youth F.C. U10 MYFC Under 10s
10ET 16/09/23 10:00 Norwich United Youth F.C. U10 X - X
Cringleford F.C. U10 Storm
10ET 09/09/23 10:00 International Talent F.C. U10 X - X
Norwich United Youth F.C. U10

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Pos Player Name Appearances Overall Goals Goals Assists Yellow Cards Red Cards Second Yellow Card Sin Bin Started Subbed On Subbed Off Bench Used Bench Unused
1 Biddle, Charles 8 8 5
2 Copsey, Mason 9 9 3
3 Cracknell, Ben 4 4 7
4 Curtis, Arthur 8 8 7
5 Forder, Ziggy 6 6 2
6 Fowler, Josh 4 4 6
7 Greed, Billy 11 11 4
8 Hedley-White, George 4 4 9
9 Lanchbury, William 5 5 6
10 Marjoram, Jack 16 16 1
11 McCall, Harrison 13 13 3
12 Petts, Harrison 7 7 7
13 richardson, max 5 5 6
14 Rix, Harrison 14 14 3

Team Season

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Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

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Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form


Charles Biddle

Mason Copsey

Ben Cracknell

Arthur Curtis

Ziggy Forder

Josh Fowler

Billy Greed

George Hedley-White

William Lanchbury

Jack Marjoram

Harrison McCall

Harrison Petts

max richardson

Harrison Rix

Players' names are displayed on this page to allow players to track their own stats and for player registration audit purposes completed by the league. If you have concerns about you or your child's name being displayed, please use the contact form.