Latest Results

All Results

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
L 07/05/24 21:00 Sam's Team 7 - 2
L 24/04/24 21:00 St Leonards 0 - 0

Upcoming Fixtures

All Fixtures

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team Venue
L 01/05/24 21:00 The Pensioners VS VFC Battersea Park
L 15/05/24 21:00 VFC VS St Leonards Battersea Park
L 22/05/24 21:00 VFC VS The Pensioners Battersea Park
L 28/05/24 21:00 VFC VS Sam's Team Battersea Park
L 05/06/24 21:00 St Leonards VS VFC Battersea
L 12/06/24 21:00 The Pensioners VS VFC Battersea Park
L 18/06/24 21:00 Sam's Team VS VFC Battersea
L 26/06/24 21:00 VFC VS St Leonards Battersea Park

There's currently no player statistics to display.

Team Season

All Results

Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form
Apr 1 0 1 0 0 0 D

Wed 24 Apr 24

Venue: Battersea

St Leonards

0 - 0


May 1 0 0 1 2 7 L

Tue 07 May 24

Venue: Battersea

Sam's Team

7 - 2


Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form
Home 0 0 0 0 0 0
Away 2 0 1 1 2 7 D L

Wed 24 Apr 24

Venue: Battersea

St Leonards

0 - 0


Tue 07 May 24

Venue: Battersea

Sam's Team

7 - 2


Overall 2 0 1 1 2 7 D L

Wed 24 Apr 24

Venue: Battersea

St Leonards

0 - 0


Tue 07 May 24

Venue: Battersea

Sam's Team

7 - 2



Thomas Van Straubenzee

Rob Wallace