Coventry Saracens Junior U10

Coventry Saracens Junior U10

Latest Results

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Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
Cup 24/03/24 13:30 Chapelfields Colts U10 X - X
Coventry Saracens Junior U10
Cup 17/03/24 11:00 Lillington Juniors U10 Dynamos P - P
Coventry Saracens Junior U10 Postponed
Cup 10/03/24 12:30 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 X - X
Southam United Minor U10 s (Devils)
Cup 03/03/24 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 X - X
Whitley Juniors U10
S1 17/12/23 11:00 Coventry Copsewood Junior U10 Spartans X - X
Coventry Saracens Junior U10
S1 10/12/23 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 X - X
Chapelfields Colts U10
S1 03/12/23 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 P - P
Panjab Athletic U10 Postponed
S1 26/11/23 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 X - X
Southam United Minor U10 s (Devils)
S1 19/11/23 13:00 Coventry Copsewood Junior U10 Lions X - X
Coventry Saracens Junior U10
S1 12/11/23 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 X - X
Mount Nod Junior U10
S1 05/11/23 13:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 P - P
Poppys U10 Postponed
S1 29/10/23 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 X - X
Lillington Juniors U10 Dynamos
S1 22/10/23 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 X - X
Coventry Copsewood Junior U10 Spartans
S1 15/10/23 11:00 Mount Nod Junior U10 X - X
Coventry Saracens Junior U10
TE 08/10/23 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 X - X
Southam United Minor U10 s (Devils)
TE 01/10/23 11:00 Coventry Saracens Junior U10 H - W
Christ The King Jnrs U10 Home Walkover
TE 24/09/23 10:30 Lillington Juniors U10 Dynamos X - X
Coventry Saracens Junior U10
S1 17/09/23 11:00 Panjab Athletic U10 P - P
Coventry Saracens Junior U10 Postponed
S1 10/09/23 11:00 Southam United Minor U10 s (Devils) X - X
Coventry Saracens Junior U10

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Pos Player Name Appearances Overall Goals Goals Penalties Assists Yellow Cards Red Cards Second Yellow Card Sin Bin Started Bench Used Captain Player Of Match
1 Addis, Zain 10
2 Biddle, Noah 9 1
3 Byrom, Jay 9 2
4 Carson, Jacob 3 5
5 constantin-eduard, Cristian 1 6
6 Hopkinson, Alfie 4 7
7 Olbort, Jaxx 9 2
8 pavey, harry 6 3
9 Proud, Archie 6 3
10 Sivarajan, Vashigan 8 1
11 Treacy, Logan 10
12 Viricka, Emily 2 5

Team Season

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Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

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Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form


Zain Addis

Noah Biddle

Jay Byrom

Jacob Carson

Cristian constantin-eduard

Alfie Hopkinson

Jaxx Olbort

harry pavey

Archie Proud

Vashigan Sivarajan

Logan Treacy

Emily Viricka

Players' names are displayed on this page to allow players to track their own stats and for player registration audit purposes completed by the league. If you have concerns about you or your child's name being displayed, please use the contact form.