Queen Mary College Old Boys

Queen Mary College Old Boys

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Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team Venue
SN1N 14/09/24 14:00 Old Vaughanians VS Queen Mary College Old Boys
LOBS 28/09/24 14:00 Queen Mary College Old Boys VS Old Minchendenians Queen Mary College Old Boys #1

Amateur Football Alliance County Cups

AFA Senior Cup_2024 - 2025

19/10/24 14:00 Queen Mary College Old Boys First VS Old Parmiterians First Queen Mary College Old Boys First

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Team Season

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Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form
Home 0 0 0 0 0 0
Away 0 0 0 0 0 0
Overall 0 0 0 0 0 0


Peter Addo

Oguntadee Adeniji

Gbadebo Adewetan

Kenny Adibe

Bertan Akbulut

richard akinlade

Mukhtaar Akinosho

Homayun Akram

Myles Alexander

Daniel Aluko

Malcolm Amour

Alexander Andrassy-Escritt

Miguel Angel Sousa Da

Connor Ansell

Theo Asinobi

Daniel Atfi

Henry Atkin

William Axcell

Shariff Baba-Ahmed


James Barker

Ali Basma

Nathan Becon

Cade Bennett

Callum Bentley

Simon Bernard

Charles Blanchard

Lewis Boakye-Mensa

Abdellah Bououne

Cameron Bowman

David Britton

Joshua Brooks

Luke Brooks

Chris Brownlee

Oli Brunskill

Mirko Bulletti

Zachary Burd

Matt Bury

Lewis Caffrey

Aaron Carman

Ben Castrillon

Gianluigi Castriotta

Alex Cavanagh

Tristan Chapman

Christopher Clark

Hugo Colby

Matt Collins

Jack Colman

George Colmer

Jak Conroy

Joe Constable

Murray Cox

Nicholas Crawford

Jayden Cross

James da Lança

Toye David Olubokun

Thomas Day

Mak Delkic

Rubin Dervishi

Dev Desai

Daniel Doherty

Jonas Dondi

Finn Driscoll

Simon Enoch

Jake Esqulant-Belle

James Evans

Karunesh Evans

Ricardo Everiste

Daniel Fadoju

Elia Farah

Luke Farrant

Jacob Feben

Tom Fenner

Jonathan Fernandez

Matthew Fields

John Fisk

Paul Fisk

Gabriel Forde

James Fox

Christopher Frain

Prince Frank

Ashley Gabriel

Simeon Gavalyugov

Jake Godfrey

Alastair Goggin

Naaman Gordon

Humza Gunny

Paige Haines

Patrick Hannah

Lucas Hannan

Alex Harrison

Matt Hart

Tayyab Hayat

Tosin Hayat

Michael Hayes

Sam Hennebry

Callum Hilderbrandt

Dean Hinkins

Nick Hodges

Ben Holland

Thomas Huckstepp

Harrison Hunt

Morgan Hunt

Philipp Huxel

Zak Ibrahim

Ikechukwu Idafum

Kelechukwu Idafum

Joseph Iseghohimen

Itoro Itama

Lolade Jinadu



Shayan Khomani

Zack Killoran

Tim Knight

Alexander Kombo

Omar Kora

christopher kyriakides

Felix Laws-Cochrane

Joseph Leroy

Sa-Sean Arrow Lutumba

Tom Macqueen

Harry Madgwick-Lawton

Sean Mahoney

Tousif Fazal Malik

Alexander Markusson

William McCarthy

Malachi McEvoy

Declan McLoughlin

Max Micklewright

John Mikeli

Joseph Miller

Declan Minns

Graham Mockler

Fergus Moriarty

Rory Moriarty

Aswad Muhammad

Bruce Murphy

Yussuf Nasir

Andrei Nastase

Christian Nkosa

Grant Obens

Uzoma Ogeah

Emmanuel Ogunwole

eustace ojie

jeremiah okwuolu

Enoch Oladipupo

Fechi Oluabara

Romeo Olukotun

Vincent Onuegbu

Jordan Owens

Cem Ozkoc

Lefteris Panayiotis

Lucas Parilla Santander

Josue Patrice

Xavi Perez

James Pettinger

Will Phoenix

Thomas Pickford

Will Player

Jack Podmore

Dimitrii Ponomarev

Paul Preston

Hamzah Qureshi

Ryan Reed

James Reeves

Alvin Reji

Cesar Remacha

Ulrich Rhodenn

Felix Romer

Nicholas Saladze

Luca Santarelli

Jacob Schofield-Lingard

Tobias Scott

Samier Shahir

Adebayo Shokunbi

David Sholu

Ed Sivak

Sergio Siyom

connor slater

Duncan Smith

Emmanuel Soile

Michael Soile

Sam Soile

Pedro Sozio Pinheiro Guimaraes

Mirad Sterkaj

Tom Street

Jack Thomas


David Timms

Samraj Toor

Lucas Trelles-Cohen

Iain Turner

Mckenzie Twumasi

Bryn Tye

Mesoma Sydney Ugochukwu

Onyema Uzokwe

Zeno Vanderlinden

Tarik Wach

Sohail Wael Ibrahim Abdullatif

Joseph walford

James Wand

Andrew Whitfield

Tomarieo Whyte

Dylan Wood

Nicholas Yeung