Ulverston Rangers U14

Ulverston Rangers U14

Latest Results

All Results

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
L 18/05/24 10:00 Ulverston Rangers U14 2 - 5
(HT 1-3)
Furness Rovers U14
L 14/05/24 18:30 Holker Old Boys Juniors U14 's 8 - 2
(HT 2-1)
Ulverston Rangers U14
L 11/05/24 10:00 Ulverston Rangers U14 1 - 7
(HT 0-4)
Holker Old Boys Juniors U14 's
Cup 27/04/24 10:00 Ulverston Rangers U14 A - W
Holker Old Boys Juniors U14 's Away Walkover
L 23/04/24 17:30 Ulverston Rangers U14 5 - 8
(HT 2-3)
Dalton Junior U14
Cup 20/04/24 09:30 Ulverston Rangers U14 3 - 9
(HT 1-3)
Holker Old Boys Juniors U14 's
L 26/03/24 17:40 Walney Island U14 3 - 2
(HT 3-2)
Ulverston Rangers U14
L 10/02/24 11:30 Dalton Junior U14 4 - 1
(HT 2-0)
Ulverston Rangers U14
L 03/02/24 10:00 Ulverston Rangers U14 3 - 5
(HT 1-2)
Crooklands Casuals U14
Cup 27/01/24 09:30 Holker Old Boys Juniors U14 's 5 - 2
(HT 2-2)
Ulverston Rangers U14
L 13/01/24 10:00 Ulverston Rangers U14 4 - 0
(HT 1-0)
Millom Junior U14
Cup 06/01/24 11:00 Walney Island U14 2 - 3
(HT 1-1)
Ulverston Rangers U14
Cup 25/11/23 10:00 Holker Old Boys Juniors U14 's 2 - 1
(HT 2-1)
Ulverston Rangers U14

Lancashire FA County Cups

Lancashire FA Under 14 Boys 11v11 Youth Cup_2023 - 2024

12/11/23 11:00 Euxton Villa U14 Black 3 - 1
(HT 2-0)
Ulverston Rangers Ulverston Rangers U14
L 11/11/23 10:00 Furness Rovers U14 4 - 2
(HT 4-0)
Ulverston Rangers U14
Cup 28/10/23 10:00 Ulverston Rangers U14 4 - 3
(HT 3-2)
Dalton Junior U14
Cup 14/10/23 11:15 Holker Old Boys Juniors U14 's 5 - 1
(HT 3-0)
Ulverston Rangers U14

Lancashire FA County Cups

Lancashire FA Under 14 Boys 11v11 Youth Cup_2023 - 2024

08/10/23 11:00 South Shore Youth Tornados U14 1 - 2
(HT 1-1)
Ulverston Rangers Ulverston Rangers U14
L 07/10/23 11:30 Crooklands Casuals U14 3 - 1
(HT 1-0)
Ulverston Rangers U14

Lancashire FA County Cups

Lancashire FA Under 14 Boys 11v11 Youth Cup_2023 - 2024

17/09/23 11:00 Ulverston Rangers Ulverston Rangers U14 H - W
Atherton Collieries AFC Academy U14 (JPL Home Walkover
L 16/09/23 10:00 Millom Junior U14 2 - 3
(HT 0-0)
Ulverston Rangers U14
L 09/09/23 10:00 Ulverston Rangers U14 1 - 1
(HT 0-0)
Walney Island U14

Upcoming Fixtures

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Pos Player Name Appearances Overall Goals Goals Penalties Assists Yellow Cards Red Cards Second Yellow Card Sin Bin Started Subbed On Subbed Off Bench Used Bench Unused Own Goal Conceded Captain Player Of Match
1 Aaron, Benjamin 14 11 11 2 15
2 Benson, Henry 16 3 3 17 2
3 Croasdale, Ewan 14 15 3
4 Croasdale, Matthew 9 9 2
5 Hines, Anthony 7 7 1 1
6 Hudson, Ollie 18 9 9 19
7 Jewell, James 10 1 1 11 8
8 Joy, Frazer 16 17
9 Judkins, Benjamin 16 1 17 1
10 Lloyd-Roberts, Jack 15 16 3
11 Mayou, Oliver 5 2 2 5 7
12 McAllister, Hamish 8 8 6
13 Plinston, Lucas 5 3 3 6 1
14 Shepherd, Jayden 18 5 5 19
15 Sheremeta, Nikita 4 4 13
16 Stringer, Harrison 16 4 4 2 17 1
17 Thompson, Lucas 11 1 1 11 4

Team Season

All Results

Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form


Benjamin Aaron

Henry Benson

Ewan Croasdale

Matthew Croasdale

Anthony Hines

Ollie Hudson

James Jewell

Frazer Joy

Benjamin Judkins

Jack Lloyd-Roberts

Oliver Mayou

Hamish McAllister

Lucas Plinston

Jayden Shepherd

Nikita Sheremeta

Harrison Stringer

Lucas Thompson

Players' names are displayed on this page to allow players to track their own stats and for player registration audit purposes completed by the league. If you have concerns about you or your child's name being displayed, please use the contact form.