Groves F.C. U9 Colts

Groves F.C. U9 Colts

Latest Results

All Results

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
L 18/05/24 00:00 Groves F.C. U9 Colts P - P
Bidston Rovers JFC U9 Bidston Rovers Postponed
L 15/05/24 18:00 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
AC Hoylake U9 Meteors
L 11/05/24 11:00 Rakers U9 Rakers Raptors X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 08/05/24 18:00 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
Bromborough & Eastham Junior U9 Dragons
L 04/05/24 10:45 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
Glenavon JFC U9 Falcons
L 01/05/24 18:00 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
Allport Hawks JFC U9 Yellow
L 27/04/24 09:00 Wallasey Village YFC U9 Santos X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 20/04/24 11:00 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
Birkenhead Junior Football Club U9
L 13/04/24 10:15 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
West Kirby United FC U9 Orange
L 06/04/24 00:00 Allport Hawks JFC U9 Yellow X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 23/03/24 11:30 AC Hoylake U9 Titans X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 09/03/24 00:00 Bromborough & Eastham Junior U9 Dragons X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 02/03/24 10:00 Bidston Rovers JFC U9 Bidston Rovers X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 24/02/24 09:00 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
Rakers U9 Rakers Raptors
L 17/02/24 10:20 Glenavon JFC U9 Falcons X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 10/02/24 09:30 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
Wallasey Village YFC U9 Santos
L 03/02/24 10:00 Birkenhead Junior Football Club U9 X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 27/01/24 00:00 West Kirby United FC U9 Orange X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 13/01/24 10:00 AC Hoylake U9 Meteors X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 06/01/24 09:00 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
AC Hoylake U9 Titans
Cup 16/12/23 09:00 Bromborough & Eastham Junior U9 Dragons X - X
Groves F.C. U9 Colts
L 25/11/23 09:30 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
Woodchurch Juniors U9 Carr Bridge
Cup 18/11/23 11:45 Groves F.C. U9 Colts X - X
Glenavon JFC U9 Falcons

Upcoming Fixtures

All Fixtures

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team Venue
L 25/05/24 00:00 Woodchurch Juniors U9 Carr Bridge VS Groves F.C. U9 Colts Woodchurch Community Centre 1

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Team Season

All Results

Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form


noah barkley

ashton beard

william griffith

Jacob Hamilton

Liam Harris

Harrison Henesy

jayden jewkes

freddy lewis

Flyn Livens

louie pace

Theo Sessions

daniel shields

rocco winder

Players' names are displayed on this page to allow players to track their own stats and for player registration audit purposes completed by the league. If you have concerns about you or your child's name being displayed, please use the contact form.