Solihull U10 W

Solihull U10 W

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Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
DEVP 21/04/24 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
R H Academy U10 RH Academy 10s
DEVP 14/04/24 10:30 Birmingham Rangers U10 BLACK X - X
Solihull U10 W
DEVP 07/04/24 09:30 Headless Cross Youth U10 Morris X - X
Solihull U10 W
DEVP 24/03/24 12:30 Olton Ravens U10 RW X - X
Solihull U10 W
DEVP 17/03/24 12:30 Harborne Youth U10 South X - X
Solihull U10 W
DEVP 10/03/24 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
Crusaders U10 Boys
CUP 25/02/24 12:00 Coldlands Colts U10 Greens X - X
Solihull U10 W
CUP 11/02/24 12:00 Birmingham Rangers U10 BLUE X - X
Solihull U10 W
DEVP 04/02/24 10:00 Leafield Athletic U10 City X - X
Solihull U10 W
CUP 28/01/24 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
Starlands Warriors FC U10 Blues
DEVP 21/01/24 12:00 C C C Boys U10 WHITES X - X
Solihull U10 W
DEVP 14/01/24 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
Hollywood United U10 Pumas
CUP 07/01/24 12:00 Northfield Town U10 X - X
Solihull U10 W
CUP 17/12/23 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
Olton Ravens U10 s Youth
DEVP 26/11/23 10:00 Bromsgrove Sporting Colts FC U10 Blue X - X
Solihull U10 W
CUP 12/11/23 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
Solihull Superstars U10 Eagles
DEVP 05/11/23 10:30 Dosthill Colts U10 Blues X - X
Solihull U10 W
CUP 22/10/23 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
Maypole U10 Juniors
CUP 15/10/23 10:30 Phoenix Rangers Youth U10 X - X
Solihull U10 W
CUP 08/10/23 12:30 Solihull U10 W X - X
Solihull Moors Foundation U10 RS
DEVP 01/10/23 10:30 Holly Lane United U10 X - X
Solihull U10 W
CUP 24/09/23 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
Redditch Borough Juniors U10 TA
DEVP 17/09/23 10:00 S J B Juniors U10 Saints X - X
Solihull U10 W
DEVP 10/09/23 10:00 Solihull U10 W X - X
S J B Juniors U10

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Charlie-Bleu Ataria-Cadman

Valentino Boparan

Xavier Boparan

Howie Cordle

Elliot Cypher

Matthew Fleming

William Godskesen

Divij Hullur

Charlie Iles

Thomas Redfern

Joseph Service

Players' names are displayed on this page to allow players to track their own stats and for player registration audit purposes completed by the league. If you have concerns about you or your child's name being displayed, please use the contact form.