Berkswich Athletic

Berkswich Athletic

Latest Results

All Results

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
Cup 14/04/24 11:30 Stafford Falcons Royals 8 - 0
(HT 2-0)
Berkswich Athletic
L 10/12/23 10:30 Berkswich Rangers X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 10/12/23 10:00 Berkswich Athletic X - X
Milford Athletic Knights
L 03/12/23 12:00 Berkswich Athletic P - P
Stone Old Alleynians Whites Postponed
L 03/12/23 11:30 Berkswich Athletic P - P
Stone Old Alleynians Stripes Postponed
L 19/11/23 12:30 Berkswich Hawks X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 19/11/23 11:30 Berkswich Athletic X - X
AFC Gnosall
L 12/11/23 11:00 Berkswich Athletic X - X
Stafford Town Panthers
L 12/11/23 10:00 Berkswich Athletic X - X
Lea Hall Panthers
L 05/11/23 10:30 Stone Old Alleynians Whites X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 05/11/23 10:00 Milford Athletic Knights X - X
Berkswich Athletic
Cup 22/10/23 12:00 Berkswich Athletic X - X
Berkswich Hawks
Cup 22/10/23 11:30 Milford Athletic Knights X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 15/10/23 10:30 Walsall Wood Comets P - P
Berkswich Athletic Postponed
L 08/10/23 10:30 Eccleshall Eagles Predators X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 08/10/23 10:00 Penkridge Juniors Colts X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 01/10/23 12:00 Berkswich Athletic X - X
Cannock Town Juniors
L 01/10/23 11:30 Berkswich Athletic X - X
Berkswich United
L 24/09/23 10:30 Berkswich Pumas X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 24/09/23 10:00 Berkswich Hawks X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 17/09/23 12:00 Berkswich Athletic X - X
Milford Athletic Knights
L 17/09/23 11:30 Berkswich Athletic X - X
Lea Hall Panthers
L 10/09/23 10:30 Stone Old Alleynians Whites X - X
Berkswich Athletic
L 10/09/23 10:00 Stafford Falcons Royals X - X
Berkswich Athletic

Upcoming Fixtures

All Fixtures

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team Venue
L 15/10/23 10:00 Stone Old Alleynians Stripes VS Berkswich Athletic 5'S PAVILION AND SPORTS GROUND #2
L 15/10/23 10:30 AFC Gnosall VS Berkswich Athletic 5'S PAVILION AND SPORTS GROUND #2

There's currently no player statistics to display

Team Season

All Results

Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form


Jean Arteaga

Samson Ayirebi

Charlie Cecil

Henry Dunne

Leon Duval

Freya Hemming

Rylee Johnson

Arnie Jolley

Luke Welton

Players' names are displayed on this page to allow players to track their own stats and for player registration audit purposes completed by the league. If you have concerns about you or your child's name being displayed, please use the contact form.