Ise Lodge U11 Hawks

Ise Lodge U11 Hawks

Latest Results

All Results

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
LY11 28/04/24 10:30 Wellingborough Town U11 Lions X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 21/04/24 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Corby Warriors U11 Phoenix
LY11 14/04/24 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Raunds Town U11 Youth
LY11 07/04/24 10:30 Higham Town U11 Ferrers X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 24/03/24 10:30 Comprehensive Football Centre U11 C - C
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks Cancelled
LY11 10/03/24 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Higham Town U11 Colts
LY11 18/02/24 10:30 Raunds Town U11 Youth X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 11/02/24 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Thrapston Town U11 Terrors
LY11 28/01/24 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Comprehensive Football Centre U11
LY11 21/01/24 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Higham Town U11 Lancaster
LY11 14/01/24 10:30 Higham Town U11 Colts X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 07/01/24 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Raunds Town U11
LY11 17/12/23 10:30 Thrapston Town U11 Tornadoes X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 10/12/23 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
F.C. Aztec U11 Warriors
LY11 26/11/23 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Earls Barton U11 Green
Cup 19/11/23 10:30 Corby Warriors U11 Phoenix X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 12/11/23 12:00 Thrapston Town U11 Terrors X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 29/10/23 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Hawks U11 Fusion
LY11 22/10/23 10:30 Higham Town U11 Lancaster X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
Cup 15/10/23 10:30 AFC R&D U11 Blues X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 01/10/23 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Thrapston Town U11 Tornadoes
LY11 24/09/23 12:00 F.C. Aztec U11 Warriors X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks
LY11 17/09/23 10:30 Ise Lodge U11 Hawks X - X
Higham Town U11 Ferrers

Northamptonshire FA County Cups

U11 All Weather Cup_2023 - 2024

16/09/23 10:30 Kettering Town FC Community U12 Girls X - X
Kettering Ise Lodge U11 Ise Lodge Hawks
LY11 10/09/23 10:30 Earls Barton U11 Green X - X
Ise Lodge U11 Hawks

Upcoming Fixtures

All Fixtures

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team Venue
LY11 05/05/24 10:30 Raunds Town U11 VS Ise Lodge U11 Hawks AMOS LAWRENCE PLAYING FIELD #2 - 9v9

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Team Season

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Team Season Totals

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Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

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