Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions

Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions

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Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
09KT 23/04/22 10:00 Aylsham F.C (Ltd) U9 Avengers X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KT 02/04/22 10:00 Long Stratton F.C. U9 X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KT 26/03/22 11:15 Tasburgh United F.C. U9 X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KT 12/03/22 10:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
New Buckenham Junior F.C. U9
09KT 05/03/22 10:00 Old Catton Juniors F.C. U9 Panthers X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KT 26/02/22 10:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Swanton Morley F.C. U9 Greens
09KT 19/02/22 10:00 Hethersett Athletic F.C. U9 Hurricanes X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KT 05/02/22 10:00 Hockering F.C. U9 X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KT 29/01/22 10:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Rocklands Youth F.C. U9 Lions
09KT 15/01/22 10:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Stoke United F.C. U9 Blues
09KT 08/01/22 10:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Lakenheath Youth F.C. U9
09XT 11/12/21 00:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Long Stratton F.C. U9
09XT 04/12/21 10:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
North Elmham Youth F.C. U9
09XT 27/11/21 10:00 Rocklands Youth F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KI 20/11/21 10:00 Thorpe St Andrew F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KI 13/11/21 10:00 North Elmham Youth F.C. U9 X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KI 06/11/21 10:00 Long Stratton F.C. U9 X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KI 30/10/21 10:00 Horsford F.C. U9 Hurricanes X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KI 16/10/21 11:30 Hockering F.C. U9 X - X
Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions
09KI 09/10/21 10:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Rocklands Youth F.C. U9 Lions
09KI 02/10/21 10:00 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Bure Valley F.C. U9 ThunderCats
09KI 25/09/21 11:15 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Hethersett Athletic F.C. U9 Rockets
09KI 18/09/21 11:15 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
Swanton Morley F.C. U9 Greens
09KI 11/09/21 11:15 Sprowston F.C. U9 Lions X - X
New Buckenham Junior F.C. U9

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Pos Player Name Appearances Overall Goals Goals Assists Yellow Cards Red Cards Second Yellow Card Sin Bin Started Subbed On Subbed Off Bench Used Bench Unused
1 Bowditch, Noah 3 3
2 Burman, Charlie 3 3
3 George, Jack 2 1 1
4 Hamid, Nabeel 2 2
5 Moore, Chase 3 3
6 Richards, Zachary 3 3
7 Rix, Henry 3 2 1
8 Theo Murrell, Joshua 2 1 1
9 barnes, Ryan 3 2 1
10 johnson, Samuel 3 3

Team Season

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Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

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Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form


Ryan barnes

Charlie Burman

Jack George

Samuel johnson

Chase Moore

Zachary Richards

Henry Rix

Joshua Theo Murrell

Players' names are displayed on this page to allow players to track their own stats and for player registration audit purposes completed by the league. If you have concerns about you or your child's name being displayed, please use the contact form.