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League CWO

  • 08/09/13
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Details for the Leagues CWO updated

The Mid Norfolk Youth League CWO is
Alison (Ali) Mitchell
43 Britton Close
PE33 0JQ
Mob: 07917638658
Should you need to contact Ali please do so in writing (e-mail or letter) but if you feel the need to speak to Ali do so at a sensible time and also respect the fact that she is a volunteer and may not be able to speak to you immediately. Complaints made verbally MUST be followed up in writing (e-mail or letter) otherwise the complaint cannot be investigated.
You must inform her who you are and which team that you are associated with. The complaint must have times, dates, which teams, managers etc. were involved.
If you are seeking guidance Ali may have to find out more information and will then reply to you.