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Contact Details Please Read

  • 16/08/13
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Age Group Secretary & Team Managers

You should now have your username/password and be able to register your players. If not, please ask your Club Secretary as they should have your details. If not, please contact Mark Pearson 07754996157.
Please send your team registration forms to your age group secretary.
Kev Pell
32 Linford Estate
Kings Lynn

Team Managers

reffley rangers m.kilvington 07717682097
wootons w.petherick 07926010447
dersingham s.lake 07909727122
reffley youth k.wingfield 07787180418
swaffham m.oneill 07749247058
denver v.jordan 07729829848
fakenham m.spinks 07795575017
downham m.wardle 07876224543
clenchwarton r.jay 07803558108
docking devils m.thompson 07768891876
shouldham p.gilluley 07792915366
terrington j.witting 07887387775
outwell gemma davis 07889595513
wisbech paul clarke 07594829444
denver ady seymour 07880352950
watlington n.mcdonald 07917547769
leverington nigel dennis 07542943210