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Full Time - SMS Results Service

  • 23/08/15
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As in the last couple of seasons, we are asking clubs to confirm the scores of games by using the SMS message system provided by the FA as part of Full-Time

We can register the number of the Club Secretary, but if you want the Team Manager (or someone else) adding instead just let us know the names and mobile numbers of the two people you want to register.
Please make sure you send us the update at least 48 hours before games kick off to give us time to process them.
During each game, the FA system will send an SMS Text Message to each registered mobile number, reminding you to send in the result of the game.
After the game, both home and away clubs should report the score by replying to their message and giving the score for the game, home team first, away team second, and separated by a hyphen.

See the attached PDF file for further details

SMS Results guide - Download / Open