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Major Cup & Tamworth FC Challenge Cup

  • 09/01/09
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Draw made at December League Meeting - Fixtures on Jan 24/25th. Click here for further details.

The draw for the Major Cup competitions (U11s to U18s) was made at the December League Meeting and fixtures are now on thi s website. Early rounds are all drawn and can be viewed by selecting the relevant competition from drop-down menu, but the SEMI-FINALS will be drawn once quarter finals have been played (Feb or March League meeting depending on age group).
Competition dates are Jan 24/25th, Feb 14/15th, Mar 7/8th and the finals at The Lamb on Monday May 4th.
Stand-downs (except for schools reasons) cannot be accepted for cup games.
The U9s & U10s Tamworth FC Challenge Cup will also begin on Jan 24th and will appear here over next few days.