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Beacon Bitter Cup Final

  • 02/05/07
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Saffron Dynamo take a grip of the game from the off.

Everards Brewery managing director Stephen Gould presented the 12th Beacon Bitter trophy to Saffron Dynamo after their comprehensive 0-3 defeat over Highfield Rangers.

Staged at Barrow Town, Saffron took a grip of the game from the off, taking an early lead on 5 minutes, when skipper Mick Knight forced the ball home after man of the match, Rob Goode, had seen his header, from a corner, strike the underside of the cross bar and bounce down back in to play.

Saffron squandered chances to go further in front as they kept the Rangers under the cosh but keeper Rich Keeling kept Rangers in the game. Saffron then lost wing back Adam Dyke through injury but were not to be deterred as Rob Goode was the architect of Saffron?s 2nd goal, when his slide rule pass fed in Lee Barrett to give keeper Keeling no chance.

Rangers started the 2nd half brightly but were knocked back, just before the hour, when Daz Tuckley forced the play down the Saffron right and found a cross for substitute Brett Adams to poke past the exposed Keeling for the final score. Rangers were unable to come back and Goode and his crew closed out the game to take the trophy.

A jubilant Saffron manager Steve Orme was overjoyed at the performance and stated " This was pay back time for the lads who stuck with the club when the going got rough around Christmas when we had a run of bad results. I am chuffed to bits that the players and club officials got their rewards tonight."

Report supplied by Dave Lumley