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League News

Important Info

  • 17/01/12
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Rule Changes & Updates

The next few points are important so can all players but especially captains take note
Payment for games must be paid BEFORE your games (£12.50 per game)
Team sheets must be filled out BEFORE your games and INCLUDE a mark indicating the captain
it is now 4 (FOUR) fouls a half NOT 5 (five) in the accumulated foul rule
Numbered shirts MUST be worn, bibs are provided for teams if needed
Numbers MUST match with the names on the team sheet (No exceptions)
Subs benches are for the playing teams ONLY, all spectators must stand BEHIND the benches
Spitting in the sports hall will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances
ALL players must be named on the seasons team sheet, any person that plays and is not registered will be suspended And the team
Any teams not adhering to the rules will face action from the League Management but please feel free to ask for advice