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League News

Contact List

  • 02/09/12
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Names and numbers

Please contact your age group secretary Karl Bowman 07946281720 for all normal football matters.

Denver Patrick Evans 07784229180
Dersingham Rovers Adam Seal (Yellow) 07414857257
Hungate Rovers Conrad Lester 07901925274
Mundford Monique Stevenson 07861668647
Outwell Swifts Gary Waters 07725319587
Terrington Tigers Luke Schrier 07810437253
The Woottons G Phil Yates 07917384983
Watlington Peter Rhodes 07940553218
Wells Town Blacks Stacey Raven 07904800185
Wells Town Reds Nick Chapman 01328710964
Wimbotsham Wanderers Graham Laddell 07788722268
Wisbech Town Acorns Kevin Barrett 07810371019