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League Fees and Registration Documents

  • 04/09/11
  • By Graeme Aitken
Football image

submission of League Fees and Registration Documents

Following on from the email sent to all member clubs by League Secretary, Derek Green on Wednesday 24th August.

The Ford Sunday Football League Season 2011 - 2012 starts today, 4th September 2011.

Unfortunately, not all clubs have submitted their Team & Player Registration Documents.

Some clubs have League fees outstanding also.

As required by League Rule 2D, participating Clubs should have their Annual Subscription submitted to the League before being allowed to Play in the Competition.

Would you therefore send your League Fees to Stuart Logan (Treasurer) and your Registration Forms to Graeme Aitken (Registration Secretary) as soon as possible.

The League wishes to avoid difficulties as encountered in previous seasons due to late payment of league fees and/or late submission of registration documents.

I anticipate a 2 week turnaround on providing individual clubs with their players Photo cards once Stuart Logan has confirmed receipt of League Fees {Full amount & any outstanding monies from last season, if any}.

Many thanks for your prompt attention to these matters.