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Reporter Cup Final original report

  • 04/05/09
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Gravesend Spartans 2-2 Sun, Sun won 5-4 on penalties. Below is the original report of the match

In 480BC Leonidas lead 300 Spartans to a glorious defeat at the Battle of Thermopylae. Two and a half millennia later the current standard bearers of the name inscribed their names in history. At the Battle of Prince?s Park Gravesend Spartans took on the might of Sun in the Reporter Cup. In the best final for many seasons Spartans achieved what many clubs haven?t done that is make Sun look second best for long periods.
Sun started off as if as if they wanted to swat an irritating fly. Sam Jeffrey has two chances within a minute to give Sun the lead. Simon Cuthbert had Spartans? first chance but his weak header was easily dealt with. Spartans found their feet and playing a fast intricate passing game never allowed Sun to settle thereafter.
Dave Briant?s shot was tipped over by Spartans keeper Richard Miles. Sam Jeffrey?s free kick was knocked away by Miles. Spartans were breaking down their left with ease causing all sorts of problems. Tony Rayner wasted his cross after good work. A mistake down the left let in Steve O?Keefe but his cross shot went just wide of the far post.
Sun drew first blood after Briant?s shot hit the bar and was adjudged to have crossed the line by the linesman. Spartans overcame this set back within nine minutes when O?Keefe shot into the bottom corner. Sun?s keeper Ricky Hall saved Sun from a Dave Daly shot. Just before the break O?Keefe caused confusion within the Sun defence. Hall came to Sun?s rescue on more than one occasion during the first forty five minutes.
The second half continued in the same vain with Spartans continuing playing some neat decisive football which Sun had difficulty in handling. The game was heading for extra time when Spartans had two opportunities to seal the game. Tom Crowther jinxed his way into the net but rather than hit it the ball with his right he kept it on his left and the chance was gone. Just before the end Cuthbert broke into the area and with just Hall to beat he smacked the ball against the bar.
If Sun thought that Spartans would wilt in extra time they were very much mistaken. Cuthbert shot Spartans into the lead from long range effort to set up the possibility of the biggest upset ever in the history of the Reporter Cup. However Sun regrouped and Adam Smith equalised soon after. Danny Jeffreys almost snatched the lead with a shot the came off the post.
For 120 minutes the two sides stood toe to toe, eye ball to eye ball and it was Spartans who blinked first. However one suspect?s that the Sun players needed copious amounts of Optrex to sooth their very sore eyes.
Leonidas was betrayed by a traitor, Gravesend Spartans were similarly undone by the unloved child of the Football Family, the loathsome penalty shootout.
Cometh the hour cometh the hero and it was Ricky Hall who proved the difference between the sides as he saved Spartans fourth kick and Sun lifted the trophy when they scored their fifth.
The story of the 300 Spartans have been passed down through the generations but although Gravesend Spartans hour of glory will only last a life time but their players and officials can tell their grandchildren ?I was there?.