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£££ League Sweepstake £££

  • 27/10/13
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Roll up, roll up - the league sweepstake is here

The league is going to organise an FA Cup sweepstake.

There will be 128 envelopes, each containing one number, corresponding to the name of a team in the second round proper and matched by that used for the official FA Cup draw.

The cost of each envelope will be £5. Each team will be expected to sell a minimum of 12 tickets, the remainder being taken by the committee and referees.

The person whose envelope contains the winning number will net (pun intended) £200, the beaten finalist's number holder will get £120 and following the disappointment at their teams being beaten in the semi finals, the number holders will be soothed at winning £50.

If you think you've been unlucky in drawing a none league team then hold your horses. The number holder of the none league team which progresses furthest gets £20.

GOOD LUCK - and thank you for participating.