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McDonalds Charter Standard Kit Scheme

  • 02/06/15
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For the second year running The FA & McDonald's Community Football Programme is able to provide all FA Charter Standard clubs with a youth team, one free Nike kit.

If you are a new FA Charter Standard club this season or an existing FA Charter Standard club that has completed it’s 2014/15 Annual Health Check, you are eligible for a free kit.

To date over 2,200 FA Charter Standard clubs have already ordered their free kit in preparation for next season.

The deadline date for ordering your free kit is 30th June 2015 so if you’re an FA Charter Standard club who has and not ordered your free kit, complete your Annual Health Check and your Unique code will be forwarded to you that will allow you to order your free kit.

For further information contact your County FA to ensure you don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.