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Injury Benefit Scheme Regulations
1. The League shall, through its Management Committee, make itself responsible for the provision of injury only benefit from the Injury Benefit Fund of its registered players (with the exception of players in full-time education) in the event of injury whilst participating in any organised match registered with the Devon County F.A. Friendly matches between member clubs and Clubs affiliated to the Devon County F.A., or affiliated to other County Associations within the United Kingdom, are also covered.
2. Each Club shall pay an annual League Injury Benefit Fee £55 per team (Clubs on Block Registration excepted) which will cover all Devon & Exeter League registered players for the season. The Injury Benefit Scheme Fee will be Invoiced together with the League Affiliation Fees and must be paid to the League Treasurer prior to the 1st August. No cover will exist until the League Treasurer has received these fees. Players will only be covered after the League Registration Secretary has informed the club that the player's registration has been accepted. Players will only be covered when they are playing in a recognised Devon & Exeter League team. Players playing whilst under suspension will not be covered.
Weekly benefit £40.00
Payments will only be made in accordance with the dates set out on the medical certificate supplied by a Doctor or Hospital; and these dates must be continuous to receive further payments. A further claim can be made if, within three months, surgery is required on the original injury and the claimant is again supplied with a medical certificate. The claim will be deemed as continuous from the original date up to the maximum of 2 weeks. A portion of the Injury Benefit Scheme funds may at the discretion of the Finance Committee, be transferred to the League General Account.
3. (a) The Club Secretary shall be responsible for submitting the player's completed claim form and medical certificates (or photostat copy) to the Injury Benefit Secretary within 14 days of the date of the injury. Late submission of the claim form and certificate will render the club liable to a fine of £10 but shall not bar a player's claim from being met provided that the relevant documents are furnished within 28 days of the date of the injury. Claims submitted after the expiry of 28 days will not be met in any form.
(b) No payment can be made until the initial medical certificate (or photostat copy) is received by the Injury Benefit Secretary, together with the fully completed League Injury Benefit claim form. All benefit payments shall be made by the Injury Benefit Secretary to the Club Secretary, who will be responsible for ensuring that the payment is passed to the player, and for the return of signed receipts to the League Injury Benefit Secretary within 14 days of payment, or in default be fined £10
4. The maximum period of benefit for one premium shall be 2 weeks. Renewal of Injury Benefit MUST be effected prior to the resumption of playing activities in the current season. The cost of which will be £10
5. Any referee in charge of a match involving a team from the Devon & Exeter League, as defined in Regulation 1, may, if they so wish, join the League Injury Benefit Scheme and be covered under its Regulations by making written application to the League Injury Benefit Secretary. The foregoing cover is also available to any named club assistant referee, at a fee of £6 per season.
PLEASE NOTE: Whenever possible, Clubs are requested to arrange for the presence of a qualified FIRST AID ATTENDANCE at all Grounds. All Clubs should ensure that their Grounds have full PUBLIC LIABILITY cover.
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After first two weeks of cover from the leagues benefit scheme an injured player can choose one of the three options from the Devon F.A insurance cover.
This option must be administered through a players club secretary. Players are not allowed to claim directly. Details of the benefits can be found on the Devon County Injury Benefit Plan web site.
Injury Benefits Claim form - Download / Open