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ID CARDS-UPDATE JAN 2009-Click here

  • 05/07/08
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Plymouth based team fined £88 for having no cards. BE WARNED !!!YOUR CARDS ARE NOW WITH THE CLUB SECRETARIES.DEVON FA have introduced an ID CARD system for the new season. ALL players will need to have a card to be able to play football.

CLUB secretaries should have by now recieved all the ID cards, PLEASE CHECK THAT THE INFORMATION IS CORRRECT. County will issue new cards if the information is wrong. Until you recieve the new card, please hold onto the wrong information card.
COUNTY HAVE ADVISED THEY WILL POLICE THE SYSTEM , RANDOMLY. any club or player not found to have the cards at the game, will be fined. Repeat offenders will see the fines climb RAPIDLY, please be warned, we must make the policy work correctly.
The cards are valid from now and run for 2 years,
NO CARD, NO PLAY !! starts 8th FRB 2009
message added 29.JAN 2009