U7/U8 Girls GALA Dates 2024-25
1st Gala = Sat 28th September at Knaresborough. 1-3pm Further Gala Dates To be Confirmed..
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2020-21 Player Registrations - Now re opened for U9s, U10s & U11s Girls
Player Registrations for 2020-21 closed on Sun 2nd May 2021. As per League & FA ruling.
However, It is the aim of the Harrogate & District Junior Girls Football League, to support & encourage the further development of Girls Football in the Harrogate area. To this end & after careful consideration at a meeting of the League Management Committee last week. It was decided that :
Player Registrations for 2020-21 Will now be re-opened for the U9s, U10s & U11s Girls ONLY,
for the rest of the season 2020-21.
Player Registrations for 2020-21 for U12s, U13s & U15 Girls remain Closed.
This will allow, in the non-competition divisions, new girls to be able to join teams to play in their remaining league matches. Up to the end of June 2021. Only applies to divisions which are not part of any current running League competition.
So if you have any new U9, U10 or U11 girls that are not registered on WGS & submitted to the League. Now is the time to submit or re submit them & I will endeavor to Approve asap & before the w/e.
Please do ensure that before submitting the registration to the League for Approval. You have completed all the necessary DoB, Online or Offline Consent checks etc & submitted a quality Photo of the player for ID purposes.
Player Registration dates for the season 2021-22 will be communicated to all clubs & teams post the League AGM in July
1st Gala = Sat 28th September at Knaresborough. 1-3pm Further Gala Dates To be Confirmed..
IMPORTANT - Cancellation Request Process for U7s to U11s 2024-25 via Google Forms
IMPORTANT - Process for 2024-25 via Google Forms for U12s to Open Age