All H&C WBL Matches POSTPONED FOR Sun 12th January
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Example League Player ID Card
Process for the League, Player Re Registrations for the 2016-2017 Season Annual Registration Form (ARF) Process.
All H&DJGFL Team Managers will have been sent the Annual Registration Form (ARF) for League registered Girls in 2015-16, who wish to continue in their team for 2016-17.
Please can managers print this out, get all names signed where appropriate & return to me, the Registration Secretary, on email no later than COP Friday 2nd September 2016.
Preferably as an email attachment, by scanning or a photo from a digital/smartphone camera, of the completed form.
For previously registered players, proof of Date of Birth is not required.
Once I receive the completed ARF and any other required info. I can add the girls with signatures, to your team for the 2016-17 season on FA Full Time.
The League do prefer you get the girls to sign the ARF. However If you cannot get hold of all the players to sign but have parental agreement that they are to continue. Then as team manager, I will accept your signature in lieu.
Note - Girls not registered on FA Full Time for 2016-17 season, whether or not they have ID Cards, will not be deemed registered & will not be permitted to play in League matches.
Please also ensure you update & include girls known medical conditions on the ARF.
For U11s & U15s re registrations, existing ID Cards are valid.
U13s will need to have New Player ID Cards with New Photos & New League Registration Numbers.
As an alternative to the Printed & Laminated ID cards. It was requested & approved at AGM for this season, for team managers to be able have the H&DJGFL Player ID Cards stored as Pictures on their Smartphones, to show at League matches.
So I'm implementing this & once you send in your completed ARF's & any New ID Cards, I'll also send you on email the .jpg pics of the ID Cards for you to store on your phone if required.
It is a simple 'cut & paste' & crop from a screen shot of the .pdf or .xls ID Card; then saved as a .jpg file (example attached).
However it's done, "ID Card Laminate" or "Pic on Smartphone", League rules state that for U11s to U18s Managers must show each other ID Cards before League matches.
Any New Players need to be registered on FA Full Time using the process described on the website at content/uploads/2015/09/ Methods-of-Registration-ver-2. pdf
Please note - I am away out of the country from 2nd Sep to 9th Sep & will have limited access to email to be able to deal with any registration issues.
All H&C WBL Matches POSTPONED FOR Sun 12th January
The attached is extracted from the full H&CJGFL Rulebook 2024-25
The U12 League Cup Knockout Competition has been drawn & Fixtures are now Live on FA Full Time & Matchday App.