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League News

Team England

  • 10/03/15
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Opportunity for individuals to have a chance to be apart of something special!

The Homeless FA is England’s national homeless football association, the only one of its kind in the UK.

We use football to give everyone experiencing homelessness in England the empowering opportunity to develop their skills and abilities, gain self-respect and confidence, improve their health, and ultimately positively transform his or her life. We also support all programmes that use football as a means of improving the lives of people experiencing homelessness in England.

Central to our work is the promotion of positive self-perception of our players, whilst challenging and changing negative public perceptions of people experiencing homelessness.

Attached is an info pack about the upcoming Training Centres available if you or anyone you know has experienced any type/range of homelessness from sofa surfing through to homelessness and living rough please apply in detail your story for a chance to be apart of something you'll never forget!

Info Sheet - Download / Open