2023-24 SRWFL League and Cup Rules
Attached are the SRWFL League and Cup rules as approved by clubs at the 2023/24 AGM
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Assistant Referees' Training Evening - Thursday 10th August 2017
Berks & Bucks FA is holding a training evening at the 3G pitch atWoodford Park Leisure Centre, Woodley from 7.00 - 8.30 pm.
The training evening is Free of Charge and an ideal way for club / team linesman to increase their understanding of being an Assistant Referee. To register interest please contact Lisa Benn at lisa.benn@berks-bucksfa.com.
Attached are the SRWFL League and Cup rules as approved by clubs at the 2023/24 AGM
The league Covid-19 policy relating to the postponement of fixtures and the latest FA club guidance can be found here for reference
English football will introduce heading guidance across every level of the professional and amateur game from the start of the 2021-22 season.