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League News

Inelligable/Suspended Players

  • 16/09/08
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If you have any players that are suspended by the FA, whether with the London or Essex FA's please ensure that these players do not play in any matches (League or Cup) whilst serving suspensions.

I will do my best to update the website with an up to date list of suspensions, But in some cases i may not find your players Names on the list sent from both FA' which case his name will not appear on the list of suspended players on the website. If you know you have a suspended player and his name is not on the list, it does not mean your player is not under suspension. It is the job of Club secretary and not the Player or the League to keep Suspended players informed of suspensions

If a player plays whilst under suspension the offending team will face a league fine, Points deduction (if they gained any from the match(es) in question). And the player(s) in question will face a thurther ban and fine from the FA, and possible action from the league.

If you have a player that has a suspension from another parent county to the one you are affiliated to this season then this still stands, any FA ban stands world wide. This also includes any bans from 5 aside competitions in places such as Goals/Powerleague, as when in these tornaments you are a registered player to a registered team in a registered FA competition.

If you have any queries to suspensions please feel free to contact me and i will do my best to answer any questions i have the knowledge to do so, otherwise please contact the County Fa you are affiliated to and they will deal with any questions you will have.

The deduction of Points and thurther league action is not up for nogotiation as it is written within the rules of the league and also it is a written law within FA rules.

If you want to find a full list of Suspended players you can look on your County's website and search under "Suspensions".
This List is e-mailed to The league as and when it is updated so any suspensions are notified to us as soon as they are active. It is not the Leagues job to inform you of any player suspensions, Referee's are handed a list of all suspensions to players for teams that they are scheduled to Ref. So before the match starts the referee will know of any ineligable players in your teams. so if he see's a player(s) "kitted up" ready for the game that he knows to be suspended.He will report this to the league and action will be taken. It is not the referee's responsibility to warn clubs and if he allows the player to play and then takes action after the game then no team(s) will be able to say "the referee allowed him to play so you thought it would be ok".

Sorry to have to bore you with this huge notice but it needs to be told now so there are no complaints that you were not warned.