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Assistant Referees Training Courses

  • 17/08/24
  • By Nigel Howlett
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Assistant Referees Training Courses for Volunteers of Teams Playing in Hunts Youth League

Hunts Youth League are planning to run two assistant referee training courses which will be aimed at newcomers who are generally parents who will be "volunteered" to run the line for sides within the league this coming season.

Each evening will run through the basics of running line including giving appropriate flag signals, ball in and out of play and offside. Both evenings will start at 7.00pm and each is expected to last 45 minutes to an hour.

Both evenings are to take place at Godmanchester Rovers FC, Bearscroft Farm, Bearscroft Lane, Godmanchester PE29 4LQ on the following dates:


The training is being funded by the league thus is completely free to participants.

If you are completely new to the job of running the line, or feel that you need to brush up on your current skills please book yourself on the course by contacting our league referee's officer MARTIN BROCK via email