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Weekly Round-up: 24th February 2007

  • 26/02/07
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The County FA Saturday Shield will be an all City Goldsmith affair.

The County FA Saturday Shield will be an all City Goldsmith affair after Bardon Hill Sports won their semi final against Radmoor, 3-1. They trailed to an early goal, but a purple patch saw them net 3 goals, kicked off by an equalising header from Andy Irons. Wayne Styles and Wayne Hill gave the Sports a 3-1 halftime advantage and although they were under the cosh for long periods of the 2nd half they defended resolutely to be able to contest the final against Narborough and Littlethorpe.

One game got under way in div2 but FC Braunstone Victoria missed the chance to go back to the top of the table when they were held to a 1-1 draw by Ellistown. Braunstone leading scorer Ricky Taylor put the home side ahead before the break but as both teams fought for a result, Ellistown skipper Gaz Porter brought the score level to reward Ellistown with their 2nd successive away draw.

Report supplied by Dave Lumley